Free Salesforce Certification

We all know how important it is to improve your skills. If now you have more free time – it becomes more relevant. Salesforce really knows how to train and offers us some free ways to grow. We gathered them together, it remains only to use what suits you!

How to merge Accounts in Salesforce

Data quality is one of the most important things you have to watch to get the most out of Salesforce. This helps your sales team to obtain accurate customer data in accordance with various privacy and privacy rules. Salesforce gives you tools for managing duplicates one at a time and across your org, and to […]

Why create cold sales scripts?

According to an enormous amount of research, telephone calls are the most common channel used in sales relations management. The use of sales scripts is one of the most heavily debated topics in the world of sales.Many sales professionals rely on sales scripts.They claim that having a high-quality script makes the sales process simpler and […]