How to invoke Apex from Lightning page layout without modal

In some cases, you need to place a button to Standard Salesforce Layout to invoke the Apex method without any confirmation or close buttons. If you work in Visualforce OnClick JavaScript is the best solution.
How to fix the caching problem in Salesforce Lighting Component

Salesforce trying to optimize performance by caching components on the client-side. This is awesome for the end-users because page loads will faster. This is a lot less awesome for developers when developing lightning components because they may think that the code is wrong. Often they have to hit hard refresh a few times while you […]
LWC: lightning-record-edit-form — set or modify field values onsubmit
Sometimes you need to execute code before submitting the form and set or modify some fields on sObject. For example, you have the following lightning-record-edit-form for Account sObject.
Working with cookies from Lightning
I want to share with you several ready to use JS functions to working with cookies from Lightning, both Aura Component and Web Components. createCookie function gives an ability to create a cookie with a particular name, value, and time to live.
How to share a code between Aura and Lightning Web component
Now you can build Lightning components using two programming models: Lightning Web Components, and the original model, Aura Components. Most of the projects consist of Aura Components but more and more developers trying to use LWC for new components. Developers faced with the issue to use common functions in Aura and Lightning Web Components. The […]